Welcome to one of the most unique stores on the Web...
...the C4JT Book Store!
Our Complete List of Titles
An Anchor for the Soul: Help for the Present, Hope for the Future
Anger Management Workbook (Carter & Minirth)
Behold Your God
Breaking Free (Beth Moore) English & Spanish
Breaking Free From the Bondage of Sin (Brandt & Skinner)
Experiencing God Workbook - English & Spanish
Experiencing God Day by Day Devotional (Prison Ministry edition)
Face of Anger: Identifying and Overcoming Unhealthy Emotions
God's Transforming Word: How to Study Your Bible
God's Message in the Old Testament
Good News in the New Testament
Heart of the Problem: A Prescription for a Deeper Experience w/ God
Life in the Spirit (La Vida en el Espiritu)
Living Faith in Daily Life
Living Faith Study Guide
Meet Jesus Christ: Discover the Purpose in His Passion
Men's Fraternity: Quest for Authentic Manhood - English & Spanish
Men's Fraternity: Winning at Work & Home
On Mission With God: Living God's Purpose For His Glory
Profiles in Character
Search for Significance Workbook
Survival Kit (Sigueme Uno: Como Crecer Espiritualmente)
Survival Kit (Sigueme Dos: Viva Sus Valores Cristainaos)
Survival Kit Basic English
NOTE: We are in the process of creating links for each of these, on Amazon, then on eBay. In the meantime, send an email to c4jtinbox@gmail.com
to inquire about the availability of a title.
FAQ'S (coming soon)
Our Story
In 2022, C4JT was approached by a well-known prison ministry in Texas, who wanted to dissolve their ministry. They had approximately 20,000 volumes of faith-based curriculum -- targeted to inmates in prison -- across about 30 titles. They offered them to us for FREE. It has been a huge blessing from the Lord. He has asked us to take on this project of distributing these materials to prison ministries, jail ministries, and other organizations who might need them.
Our prices are deeply discounted -- typically 50% of the current retail value. These are not used books, but brand new, still in the box. We use the proceeds of these book sales to fund our ministry to the small jails of the U.S.