Empowering local jails to transform their culture, atmosphere, and people's lives.
As a jail or community leader, don't you want people to be better when they get out of your jail than when they came in?
Center For Jail Transformation offers you our unique Roadmap to Jail Transformation – and much more!
Our Strategic Goals:
* A Chaplain in Every Jail *
* Bibles in Every Jail *
* Commissioning Certified Jail Chaplains *
* An International Network of “Jail-Activated” Churches *
* An Annual International Conference for Jails in Transformation and the Churches that Love Them *
Message to Jailers
The vision of C4JT is for each local county jail to become a hub of life-change (for inmates and staff!), transformation, sobriety, and spiritual revival. We have solutions for short-term and longer- term detainees, as well as those being held for prison.​
Please navigate this website to find a variety of solutions, starting with our Roadmap To Jail Transformation. Then reach out to us and we will set up an initial meeting via Zoom with your team.
Message to Pastors
Our dream is that churches everywhere will see their local jail as "The Mission Field Next Door". We are on a mission to equip local churches to raise up an army of missionaries and chaplains who will take the Gospel, addiction recovery, education, and life skills into the jail to help create a hub of TRANSFORMATION.
In the jails that we have seen do this so far, families are being restored, repeat offenders stop offending altogether, cycles of devastation are broken, and revival spreads out into the community! Please contact us for more information.
Message to Donors
C4JT is a faith-based 501(c)(3) non-profit led by a strong working board of directors. We are primarily funded by the financial support of faithful partners. Please reach out to us to have a conversa- tion about partnering with us financially. We believe we are standing on the threshold of a major move of God. Will you join us to invest in advancing the Kingdom of Heaven in the hearts of men and women, jails and communities?